Provisions in force at the Museum
The Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment (EPSCP), is subject to different regulations depending on whether or not the purchases of supplies, services and works are intended for the conduct of research activities.
Below the threshold of formalized procedures, it is the responsibility of each contracting authority to determine the purchasing rules applicable within its structure and this in compliance with the principles of public procurement which are:
- freedom of access to public procurement
- equality of treatment of candidates
- transparency of procedures
The pillars of the Museum purchasing policy are:
- meet the needs of the services using the markets;
- to carry out purchases in compliance with public procurement law;
- seek the best economic conditions;
- take account of environmental requirements;
- promote social inclusion;
- encourage the widest possible access for small and medium-sized enterprises to the Museum's trade contracts;
- encourage collective purchases with other public bodies;
- opt for innovative purchases.
General purchasing conditions